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Hey there, I’m Mike. Thanks for stopping by.
My IT experience spans 25 years. Automation has revolutionized the way I work. I have dedicated thousands of hours to learning how to accomplish tasks through coding, and it has been an incredible but occasionally frustrating journey.
Automation has become a regular aspect of my daily routine. Though, it wasn’t always like that. I worked hard to learn scriptwriting and automation concepts. The more I learned and understood, the more I saw the value in sharing my knowledge with others. I’m convinced that through knowledge sharing and aiding others, we all come out ahead.
This website is where I share the tips and tricks I’ve learned to tackle hard tasks. I help you solve issues and code more efficiently. When I share these tips with you, it pushes me to be better. Everyone comes out ahead.
At work, I’m in charge of a global team that creates automation tools for both on-premises and cloud technologies like AzureAD, Exchange, Server Management, and core Active Directory tech. I discuss the issues I face at work and share solutions to common problems sysadmins and automation engineers come across in their daily routines.
Besides blogging, I’m highly involved in the PowerShell community. I’m a 3-time Microsoft MVP and I love sharing ideas, knowledge, and technical solutions with the community whenever I can. I’m part of the leadership team for the Research Triangle PowerShell user group. Our group is the biggest and most active PowerShell group in the world! We’re a group of 3500 members who meet twice a month to chat and exchange ideas with fellow community members.
Also, I’m a board member for the DevOps Collective and their website, PowerShell.org. We’re all about getting people excited about PowerShell through community events. Every year, we organize the PowerShell Summit in Bellevue, WA.
Along with this website, I contribute to technical websites and online publications. I have contributed to various places and projects. Here is a list that might interest you.
Books I Have Contributed To:
- PowerShell Conference Book volume 1
- PowerShell Conference Book volume 2
- #PS7Now: A Blogger’s Guide to Getting Started with PowerShell 7
My Published Articles: